
Choose EMI filtering for multi-layer boards to reduce interference

How to choose electromagnetic radiation and EMI filtering technology suitable for multi-layer boards to reduce interference to other equipment and systems


As the complexity of electronic devices continues to increase, electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues have become more important than ever. EMI can adversely affect the performance of electronic systems and cause malfunctions or failures. To solve this problem, electromagnetic radiation and EMI filtering technology are crucial for multilayer boards. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to choose the right technology to minimize disruption to other devices and systems.

multi-layer boards manufacturing factory

1. Understand the different types of interference:

Before diving into the selection process, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the different types of distractions. Common types include conducted EMI, radiated EMI, and transient EMI. Conducted EMI refers to electrical noise conducted through power or signal lines. Radiated EMI, on the other hand, is electromagnetic energy radiated from a source. Transient EMI involves sudden voltage or current spikes. Determining the specific type of interference you are dealing with will help narrow down the appropriate filtering technology.

2. Determine the frequency range:

Different electronic devices operate at different frequencies. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the frequency range in which interference occurs. This information will help in selecting appropriate filtering techniques that match the interference frequency range. For example, if the interference occurs at high frequencies, a band-pass filter may be appropriate, while low-frequency interference may require a low-pass filter.

3. Use shielding technology:

In addition to filtering technology, shielding technology is also critical to reducing interference. Encapsulating sensitive components or circuits with conductive materials can help block electromagnetic radiation. Conductively coated or metal shielded cans are often used for this purpose. When choosing the right shielding material, consider factors such as conductivity, thickness, and ease of integration into multilayer boards.

4. Seek expertise in multilayer board design:

Designing multilayer boards that minimize interference requires expertise in layout and routing techniques. Working with a professional who specializes in multi-layer board design can help identify potential areas of interference and optimize the layout to reduce such issues. Proper component placement, ground plane considerations, and controlled impedance routing are some of the key aspects that contribute to effective multilayer board design.

5. Test and verify:

Once filtering techniques and design techniques have been implemented, it is critical to test and verify the effectiveness of the chosen solution. Testing can be done using an EMI receiver and spectrum analyzer to measure the amount of interference present. This step will help identify any further improvements that may be needed and ensure that the chosen technology actually reduces interference with other devices and systems.

In summary

Selecting the correct electromagnetic radiation and EMI filtering techniques for multilayer boards is critical to minimizing interference with other equipment and systems. Understanding interference types, determining frequency ranges, utilizing shielding techniques, seeking expertise in multilayer board design, and testing and validating selected solutions are all important steps in this process. By following these guidelines, you can ensure optimal performance and reliability of your electronic systems while minimizing the adverse effects of EMI interference.

Post time: Oct-05-2023
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